DURGAMANDU (THE HIDDEN STORY OF FAR WESTERN NEPAL) : Durgamandu Generally disabled poor women are treated as witch craft by the society. This evil practice has great impact on society.
This drama Durgamandu is a practiced superstition prodded in for western Development Region of Doti. It tells about the story of women violence. The unveil parent’s, with untouchable , dowry,discrimination such bad tradition are prosecuted that still occur day by day in our community….
This film not only emphasize the event but also focus on the way of miler try those prefixes.
This movie Durgamandu is about a lady Durga of remote area Doti Who had face such circumstance,violence and discrimination is represented. What sorts of difficulties and trouble woman had to face throughout her life is symbolized through Durga in such areas. The scrabble condition girl face during menstrual cycle, child marriage is presented through this drama.
Director/writer : Madhab Raj Kharel
Producer: Kamala Kumari Joshi
Artist: Simran Joshi, Saniya khan Ganga Bhujel, Min Bohora, Siddha Raj Timalsina, Tara Yakkha, Madhab Raj Rajan Kharel etc